Hope This Helps:

Sometimes I wonder why I insist on donning the Super Woman cape so readily. It is especially disconcerting when wearing it causes unnecessary life stress.

The truth is everyone needs support at some point, but very few people are willing to provide it in return. It often perplexes me why so many want it from me, especially those in far less precarious positions. I get extremely annoyed when the people and organizations who consistently ask for my support have no regard or refuse to advocate for my issues.

Sometimes I want to say, when I am a billionaire single parent with a fully funded retirement account, I will give you a call. But there is a lesson, you may have to stall your support of others until you are in a position to do so. And though many single parents have great experience dealing and managing extreme lack, that is not what God intends for you. Even more, it isn’t what you should be teaching your children.

Many of us aren’t broke because we spent it. We are broke because we gave it away. We are broke because someone stole our heart, or we thought we had to buy our kid’s affection. We are broke because we lived beyond our means to accommodate those who really needed the experience of taking care of themselves. We are broke because we didn’t ask for or demand what we needed.

“There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t jump puddles for you.” – Unknown

Be your own Super Woman. Be judicious with your resources. Know your worth.

Swoop down and save your own daggone day. 😊

I asked to grow and God said, here you go. So I hope my growth helps you.



#OperationGrowth #HopeThisHelps