On Thursday, September 24th, I was the guest of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Tau Xi Chapter for their Black Speak event at the University of Texas at Dallas. This year’s event was subtitled Politics in the Obama Age, The Age of Change.
It was great to see young professional students so engaged in politics and how it affects their world. We discussed not only what Obama has done since his term began in January, but the difference between what he has sole control over and what he does not. We finally evolved into a discussion on what we must do to become engaged at this pivotal time in our political history.
We really have arrived at the “Obama” age where possibilities abound. The question is whether or not we are ready to take hold of those possibilities and leverage them for our good and that of our communities. I am still amazed at the number of people who are watching on the sidelines at such a pivotal time. There are too many issues not to pay attention.
However these young people are on the way to deeper awareness signified by their presence at Black Speak. You’ve all inspired me to provide more information. Thank you for the wonderful time and the return invite. It was a pleasure and an honor.