HopeThisHelps SacredAroma

Hope This Helps:

New opportunities sometimes require reaching back and fetching it in the most Sankofa sense of the word.  smile emoticon

In the midst of assessing and cultivating my income streams a couple of days ago, I received a substantial wholesale order of Sacred Aroma products. My mind immediately moved to purchasing wholesale supplies and knocking this order out at home. Then I realized, the only way I am opening Sacred Aroma again is to have the products made by someone else, preferably a production company.

See, going back to late nights making products and festivals would be an affront to all that I’ve experienced and learned since then. In order to actually have seven income streams, I have to use my time wisely.

“When you go back and fetch it, apply new learning.” – Brandi Richard

I asked to grow and God said, here you go. So I hope my growth helps you.



‪#‎OperationGrowth‬ ‪#‎HopeThisHelps‬