Today –
I was triggered into remembering those days sitting at the folding table, away from the action scooping up food with a plastic spoon. Clearly, I couldn’t be trusted with the silverware to eat.

Triggered because I was asked to talk about the relationships between “some” baby boomers and gen-xers and Millennials. Triggered because it takes some of us getting past 40 to even get close to the silverware and china plates. Yet, we better know how to use it when it’s our turn. And salty because some of us sit at the table with the silverware and china and break it up, encouraging banishment to the kiddie table for life for the rest of us.

I’m thankful to @acarrpatterson for being one of the many supportive boomers trying to give us a boost. Yet even in retirement, one question can take me right back to the indignity of the kiddie table and remind me of my responsibility to use each and every seat at each and every table to kick down doors. Cause that’s what we do… #NowGeneration #WeGotNow #OperationGrowth #BooksDone #ImBack