Brandi R. Richard
Advocate | Brand Maven | Innovator | Speaker
#OperationGrowth #WeGotNow #BRComm #BrandiRRichard

Operation Growth is a new book designed to turn your pain into opportunity and your challenges into growth. Brandi explores hilarious and sober accounts of how she has turned the darkest points in her life into triumph. This is a must-read for young women leaders and the men who love them. You are not alone. Ready, set, GROW.
One of Those Days
We get paid less. We die sooner. We get treated with disregard as though somewhere along the line we deserve poor treatment. Last week a police officer instructed me that if I was respectful with him he would be respectful with me. (Which really just pissed me...
Show love to women of color, #BILoveU (Because I Love You)
It's my birthday again and this one is extra special because I've been around for even longer than last year. 🙂 Seriously, I thought about what I always wanted for my birthday and any day of the year was for...
Proud of @MizzouLBC and #ConcernedStudent1950
Hope This Helps: Stop waiting…
Hope This Helps: Stop waiting for someone to do the work for you. Get out of your comfort zone (and off the couch) and get to it. If you wait, you'll continue to watch other's success from their hard work and you may not understand why it wasn't you. That is all. I...
Welcome to BR Comm #CommunicateThat
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All My Single Ladies, Register and Vote
Hope This Helps: 40% of unmarried women in the Rising American Electorate (unmarried women, people of color and Millennials) are not registered to vote. Maybe we couldn’t get off from work early enough, or missed the deadline nursing a sick child back to health, or...
#HopeThisHelps Drop the Cape…
Hope This Helps: Sometimes I wonder why I insist on donning the Super Woman cape so readily. It is especially disconcerting when wearing it causes unnecessary life stress. The truth is everyone needs support at some point, but very few people are willing to provide it...
Brandi Richard Speaks – Check out my sizzle reel!
Speaking on the Urgency of Now Panel at W. K. Kellogg America Healing Conference
Hope This Helps: New opportunities
Hope This Helps: New opportunities sometimes require reaching back and fetching it in the most Sankofa sense of the word. smile emoticon In the midst of assessing and cultivating my income streams a couple of days ago, I received a substantial wholesale order of...