The Crisis in Haiti…what will the response be?

The Crisis in Haiti…what will the response be?I awoke to a picture of a young child surrounded by rubble in the aftermath of yesterday’s earthquake in Haiti. She looked so much like the daughter of a friend of mine. Her no doubt once shining face, covered in concrete...

Senator Reid did not use the brown paper bag…

Senator Reid did not use the brown paper bag…In southern Louisiana, as I am told through family stories, a paper bag was used to determine entrance into some of the most exclusive events of the black bourgeoisie. Lighter than the bag, you were allowed in. Darker, you...

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Have you ever been accused of something that you didn’t do by someone who has an interest in your failure? Or have you just flat out been sabotaged by a co-worker who wants to win? Some of you may say, what planet are you on, that is so...

Are You Serious?!

Are you serious? I just heard the clear eyes guy, you know the one on the “Clear Eyes” commercial; complain that President Obama held a press conference to offer his response to the attempted Christmas terrorist attack in a polo shirt. He was completely irritated that...

Changing the Bureaucratic Culture

Changing the Bureaucratic Culture My boss has been (about 30 levels removed) has been criticized for her response after the attempted bomb detonation on a flight to Detroit. I am thrilled that this attempt was stopped and that we are not now discussing the tragic loss...