Operation Growth
About the Book
Operation Growth is a book designed to turn your pain into opportunity and your challenges into growth. Brandi explores hilarious and sober accounts of how she has turned the darkest points in her life into triumph.
This is a must-read for young women leaders and the men who love them. You are not alone. Ready, set, GROW.
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Brandi R. Richard
National Urban League Conference Joint Leadership Luncheon
The Joint Leadership Luncheon during the 2012 National Urban League Conference in New Orleans, La. July 25, 2012. Photo by Mark Gail I was so ecstatic to find my pastor, Frederick D. Haynes III would not only be the keynote, but was seated right next to me.
Think Positive!
Read the article Thank you Telie Woods for envisioning an issue devoted to the National Urban League to be released at this year's conference. The magazine includes articles from Executive Vice President Richard Badger and Communications Chair Kamilah Collins as well...
Chicago, Madison, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Legends, and Cupcakes
During my three-day tour of the Central Region of the National Urban League, I tried to hit as many chapters as possible. Two major events were on the schedule, the St. Louis Young Professionals Gala and the Metroboard Chicago Swanky Soiree Fundraiser. But rental...
Pittsburgh Chapter hosts Boris Kodjoe at 10th Anniversary with NSBE
It was an honor to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Pittsburgh Young Professionals chapter as the keynote speaker. During the program, the chapter presented a check for $20,000 to their Urban League affiliate to continue the great work in their community. ...