Operation Growth
About the Book
Operation Growth is a book designed to turn your pain into opportunity and your challenges into growth. Brandi explores hilarious and sober accounts of how she has turned the darkest points in her life into triumph.
This is a must-read for young women leaders and the men who love them. You are not alone. Ready, set, GROW.
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Operation Growth Coach and learn how you too, can grow!
Operation Growth Coach and learn how you too, can grow!
You are overdue for growth!
Brandi R. Richard
The Brandi Show Episode 1 with Monyea Crawford of Love Child Productions
Get Ready to Grow
Hello Growthers! Sometimes you are just so stuck in your patterns that growth requires a little more help. So I've put together a seven day challenge to help you get ready to grow from the obstacles that will inevitable come to you. Let's turn that run and flee...
On Motherhood and Leadership
Hope This Helps: Motherhood has been my greatest leadership test. Until today, I don’t know that I recognized it as leadership. It was nurturing, supporting, providing, and praying. But when I see potential, ability and drive in others, sometimes I switch into...
Sometimes you have to hit PAUSE… #OperationGrowth
This week has been the culmination of a couple of months of dealing with delays, confusion, and plans gone wrong in far too many aspects of my life. While I am confident it is all working for my good, it feels horrible. Moving to a new city is hard, but still not...