Operation Growth
About the Book
Operation Growth is a book designed to turn your pain into opportunity and your challenges into growth. Brandi explores hilarious and sober accounts of how she has turned the darkest points in her life into triumph.
This is a must-read for young women leaders and the men who love them. You are not alone. Ready, set, GROW.
Buy Your Copy of Operation Growth Today!
Are you ready to grow through what you go through?
Click the image below and schedule a time to speak to the
Operation Growth Coach and learn how you too, can grow!
Operation Growth Coach and learn how you too, can grow!
You are overdue for growth!
Brandi R. Richard
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeqIxpI7IiI&feature=youtube_gdata Brandi Richard’s NUL Address
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeqIxpI7IiI&rel=0&egm=0&showinfo=0&fs=1]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeqIxpI7IiI&feature=youtube_gdata Brandi Richard’s NUL Address
RT @nyulyp: Join NYULYP to celebrate Rahshib Thomas recently elected Eastern Region VP of the NYULYP
RT @nyulyp: Join NYULYP to celebrate Rahshib Thomas recently elected Eastern Region VP of the NYULYP @ Katwalk 8/9/11 6-9pm RSVP:…
Greetings from Boston courtesy of JohnRich Media http://johnrichmedia.com/
Greetings from Boston courtesy of JohnRich Media http://johnrichmedia.com/
Day 3
The video. So I’m getting antsy about sharing the video from Boston. Jeremy of JohnRich Media is fabulous and he moves which is a necessary quality for being on team NULYPNOW. I let the video out prematurely by making it a favorite, but it was a great test. ...