Operation Growth
About the Book
Operation Growth is a book designed to turn your pain into opportunity and your challenges into growth. Brandi explores hilarious and sober accounts of how she has turned the darkest points in her life into triumph.
This is a must-read for young women leaders and the men who love them. You are not alone. Ready, set, GROW.
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Operation Growth Coach and learn how you too, can grow!
Operation Growth Coach and learn how you too, can grow!
You are overdue for growth!
Brandi R. Richard
Central Florida Urban League YP President and myself at the Central Florida YP Poetry and Fashion Sh
On Fashion…
Fashion is an art form and as I’ve grown, I have become more and more intrigued with personal, unique and artistic styles…I’ve also grown into my own style which feels really great! It’s a combination of natural, world, modern and sophisticated...
Federal, state and local budget cuts…higher corn, tomato and oil costs…and clothes up 10
Federal, state and local budget cuts…higher corn, tomato and oil costs…and clothes up 10 percent…we better get engaged!
Singing I Shine, You Shine…
Singing I Shine, You Shine…