Operation Growth
About the Book
Operation Growth is a book designed to turn your pain into opportunity and your challenges into growth. Brandi explores hilarious and sober accounts of how she has turned the darkest points in her life into triumph.
This is a must-read for young women leaders and the men who love them. You are not alone. Ready, set, GROW.
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Brandi R. Richard
YP Global Summer of Service – Let’s Get Started
I've accumulated YP service opportunities to post here in support of the President's Summer of Service initiative. To ensure my credibility with you, let me start with what I plan to do to serve others.Difference Maker: MeWhat I'm Doing?: Advocating on behalf of Young...
What Will Your Legacy Be?
Over the past few weeks, so many have lost their lives, that I thought I wouldn't be able to devote my pen to the service opportunities that I intended. I've just been so distracted that I felt the need to slow down and refocus. In the midst of the relaxation, I...
I Want to Go Green!
I Want to Go Green!by Brandi RichardI’ve always wanted to be one of those cool environmentalist-type people who wore only pure cotton clothes with no dye and ate organic legumes. The kind that rode really neat bikes to the store and whose svelte shapely bodies...
The Starbucks Lady
The full post can be found at http://www.brandirichard.blogspot.com/.Starbucks is my personal treat, my stress reliever, my comfort when I don't have sense enough to pray, and a way to warm myself against the bitter cold of the fan sitting next to me. The fan's owner...